Logo CH TUIasiLogo TUIasiNovel materials with optical properties for anti-counterfeiting paper

Acronym: OPTIPAPER; grant 497PED/02/11/2020; UEFISCDI Code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4825; November 2020 - October 2022


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-1 Research report: Optimized polymer composites with R, G, B emission as anticounterfeiting elements for security papers.

Technical Report 2021

-1 paper published in ISI journals referring to particulate R, G, B composites as counterfeiting elements

L. Stan, I. Volf, T. Malutan, M.S. Secula, C.S. Stan, Photoluminescent polymer cryogels with tunable porosity and R, G, B emission, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials.

-1 Research report: The methodology of embedding optical complex elements in paper matrix both in the structure and at the surface, evaluation of the functional characteristics of the security paper

-1 Patent request registration for the specifically designed security papers including the new paper formulations

Stan C.S. , Malutan T, Albu C., Complecși Foto polimerizabili Fluorescenți Utilizabili la Obținerea Hârtiei Securizate, A100554 /09.09.2022

-1 paper in a high impact Journal reporting the newly developed anti-counterfeiting method

Loredana Stan, Irina Volf*, Teodor Malutan, Marcel Popa, Camelia E. Tincu, Corneliu S. Stan, Photoluminescent polymer aerogels with R, G, B emission, MDPI-Polymer Networks

Marius Secula, Teodor, Malutan, Corneliu Stan, Trends in functionalized paper for anti-counterfeiting applications, Journal of Nanomaterials

-1 Laboratory scale technology for security papers manufacturing using the new photoluminescent composites and CNDs as anti-counterfeiting agents.

-1 Final research Report.

Final Report 2022