Logo CH TUIasiLogo TUIasiNovel materials with optical properties for anti-counterfeiting paper

Acronym: OPTIPAPER; grant 497PED/02/11/2020; UEFISCDI Code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4825; November 2020 - October 2022


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General objective:

The main objective of the project lies in the development and implementation of a range of complex security elements in order to diversify and increase the quality of security papers for value documents resulting in a significant step forward in terms of competitiveness of the producer partner on both the internal and international markets.

Specific objectives:

Achievement of several materials with unique security features consisting in polymeric composites based on complexes and carbon dots-type nanostructures. The materials with unique security characteristics will be developed by means of the results obtained in the field of photo-luminescent polymeric composites based on complexes and Carbon Dots.

Development of several methods and technologies for embedding the complex elements in papers matrix as a function of the chemistry of the papermaking process that will allow obtaining a security paper designed for security printing. The obtained samples of security paper will be economically and technically evaluated.

Laboratory-scale manufacturing of the security paper with complex elements and validation tests conducted in order to achieve a database for designing technical solutions to obtain a demonstration model.