(c) nov.2024 stan.c.s.
Experimental studies on the resistance and preservation of the morpho-structural characteristics of complex polymer films and polymer-CNDs composites during long-term exposure to environmental factors / Evaluation of the effects produced by extensive exposure to environmental factors such as solar radiation, humidity, temperature variations.
Experimental studies on the deposition of thin layers of polymer complexes and nanocomposites developed within the research project, as photonic conversion mediums / establishing the thickness of photonic conversion layers and testing deposition techniques/procedures;
Experimental optimization of photonic conversion media integration procedures in
the configuration of photovoltaic cells; Establishing the final formulations used in the deposition process, the morphology of the films evaluated through AFM investigation;
Tests of various types of photovoltaic cells (a-Si, c-Si, p-Si, Ga, As, GaInP, thin film) equipped with additional photonic conversion layers. Measurements of electrical parameters and conversion efficiency; comparative studies with classic photovoltaic cells, highlighting the increase in conversion yields, testing the behavior under their exposure to the typical environmental factors of operation;
Preliminary recommendations for the implementation of the developed photonic conversion layers, in the typical manufacturing processes of conventional photovoltaic solar cells/panels.
Stage 3 (01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024)
Objectives and Activities
Integration of photonic conversion layers based on photoemissive nanostructured materials for improving sunlight harvesting ability of solar cells
Project code: COFUND-LEAP-RE-NANOSOLARCELL, RO contract: ERANET 293/2022