(c) nov.2024 stan.c.s.
     Experimental studies on the mixtures of complexes, crosslinker, photoinitiator, solvent and deposition/photopolymerization/drying procedures;

     Elaboration of recipes for mixtures of complexes, cross-linking agent, photoinitiator, solvent and optimized deposition/photopolymerization/drying procedures;

     Preparation of CNDs from imidic precursors by pyrolytic or hydrothermal processes and their doping with various cations to increase photoluminescent emission yields;

     Experimental selection of the types of polymers used to obtain the composites, the investigation of possible interactions with CNDs, the influence on their emission properties;

     Experimental studies on obtaining polymeric CNDs composites with intense photoluminescent emission and high degree of optical transparency;

     Preparation of polymer composites with CNDs content, optimized for the intended application;

     Morpho-structural investigation of carbon nanostructures (CNDs) and polymer composites deposited in a thin layer.
Stage 2 (01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023)
Integration of photonic conversion layers based on photoemissive nanostructured materials for improving sunlight harvesting ability of solar cells
Project code: COFUND-LEAP-RE-NANOSOLARCELL, RO contract: ERANET 293/2022
Objectives and Activities
start page
Research team
Stage 1 (2022)
Stage 2 (2023)
Stage 3 (2024)
Significant results
Published/submitted papers
Patents requested/granted
Research equipments
Partners LEAP-RE consortium
Consortium events
Research Report 2023